Mini Bouquet


A sweet mini bouquet of dried and preserved flowers. Each one is unique with slight variations.

Choose the color tone that you would like to be the main focus or the surprise me option. Each one will have different variations depending on which blooms I have on hand. I will do my best in staying with the color palette of your choosing.

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A sweet mini bouquet of dried and preserved flowers. Each one is unique with slight variations.

Choose the color tone that you would like to be the main focus or the surprise me option. Each one will have different variations depending on which blooms I have on hand. I will do my best in staying with the color palette of your choosing.

A sweet mini bouquet of dried and preserved flowers. Each one is unique with slight variations.

Choose the color tone that you would like to be the main focus or the surprise me option. Each one will have different variations depending on which blooms I have on hand. I will do my best in staying with the color palette of your choosing.